History of the British slave trade including digitised pro-abolition petitions. One for Manchester includes 2,000 names. Unfortunately the search box does not retrieve names on the petitions.
Includes guides to researching records relating to slaves.
Offers resources for the study of slavery, abolition, and emancipation. The links next to the diagram of the slave ship Brookes will take you to more specific regions of this website where a wealth of historical, biographical, and bibliographical information is available.
At the core of the project is a database containing the identity of all slave-owners in the British Caribbean at the time slavery ended. As the project unfolded, researchers amassed, analysed and incorporated information about the activities, affiliations and legacies of all the British slave-owners on the database, building the Encyclopedia of British Slave-Owners, which has now been made available online...
History of the British slave trade, research guides and more from the National Archives (UK).