family_history: canada-immigration*

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  1. Between 1634 and 1662; 262 "marriagable young girls", were recruited to first sign a contract in France and then be given passage and a small dowry to become the wife of a Quebec settler. Some were sponsored by their church, a company associate or merchant. Others were of minor noble families; cousins or sisters of men already in the colony. This site gives a list of all the women who emigrated under this plan and, where available, further information about the women and their descendants..
    Tags: by family_history (19 Jun 2014)
  2. The term “United Empire Loyalists” (often referred to as UEL) refers to the American colonists who remained loyal to the British Crown during the American Revolution, and many of which fought for Britain during that conflict. They fled the United States and settled in what are now the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Ontario. All the archives in these provinces hold records relating to Loyalists, some of which are searchable online.
  3. Perry Snow has a comprehensive database of 57,000 records of child migrants sent to Canada from the UK. Brief details are shown on the online database and you can apply to him for further details.
  4. This database includes information on 33,026 immigrants whose names appear in surviving records of the Grosse-Île Quarantine Station between 1832 and 1937.
  5. There is a lot of digitised material available on this site including the 1871-1911 censuses, immigration, naturalisation, land, military records and more.

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